Music has always played some role in my life. In college, it became my passion and vocation. After graduation, it was my full-time ministry for several years. During that season, I had the opportunity to record 5 albums (including one with members of the Passion band), write 2 books, travel internationally, play shows and lead thousands of people in worship. It was a great season! Once I married, went to Seminary and the kids came along, I came off the road to focus on planting and pastoring churches, with music playing only a minor role. 2 years ago, all that changed. Through a variety of circumstances, the Lord brought music back to play a significant role in my life and ministry and I am back to leading worship, playing shows and writing songs both for and beyond my local church. I look forward to seeing wherever this journey leads, how we might partner together, and how the Lord might use my music for His glory. Thanks for being part of the story, and if we can work together, please don’t hesitate to reach out!